Pierre Mazuyer

Pierre Mazuyer (or Masuyer) (second half of the 14th century) was like Peter or Peter VII Bishop of Atrecht and a short time of Saint Donald in Bruges.

About Pierre Mazuyer is little known, despite the fact that he was bishop of Atrecht from 1372 to 1391.

In 1374, Pope Gregorius XI wanted to nominate him as a prostitute of Saint Donald in Bruges. This was part of the battle that the Avignon Pope took with the Count of Flanders Lodewijk of Male and his son-in-law and successor, Philips de Stoute, who had the final word in appointing the prostitute of Saint-Donau, immediately Chancellor of Flanders. / p>

The appointment was made on January 14, 1474, and the Pope was sent to send confirmation on May 27, June 30 and July 8 of the same year. It did not help because the chapter had chosen for Zeger van Beke, confidential of the Count of Flanders, and of course it was supported by the Count. Mazuyer himself saw the hopelessness of the dispute and retreated. The Pope did not win yet because he appointed the Cardinal Robert of Geneva.
