The Akya circus is a Quebec circus that presents an energetic, family and unique show. Under its marquee of 230 people, it offers entertainment with human dimensions, where children and adults are immediately charmed by the small troop of modern acrobats. Surrounded by a small village of "airstream" trailers coming directly from the middle of the century, the circus Akya has the particularity that it recreates the atmosphere of European traveling circuses. The world of Akya is not only the show and the fun, but it is also the daily life of a band of showmen who opens the door of their world to you with open arms! The spectacularmodify the code
The two-hour show is filled with rhythm by Nicoletta, master of ceremonies, and by Chocolat, her husband, who will disturb the performance, despite himself, with his tricks and madness. The acrobats, musicians and jugglers will come to decorate the show, with their personal touch for the greatest pleasure of the eyes and the ears of all the spectators!
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