The legend of eer

The Légende d'eer (1977-1978) is an electroacoustic piece for eight channels composed by Iannis Xenakis.

The Légende d'eer is a work that fits within the Diatopes, a term that Xenakis grants to some of his works that are sound and visual installations. This work, then, is a whole composed of architecture, electronic music, a visual part composed of 4 computerized lasers and 400 mirrors, and 5 texts in which is the text that gives its name to the title of the work.

The title refers to the Myth of Er, a legend that appears at the end of Plato's Republic. Very interested in mythology and psychology, Xenakis, composing this electronic work that overflows his previous electronic compositions, presents us, through Pascal's influences and the theories on Supernova disclosed in the Scientific American magazine, a shrill soundscape that It begins in sharp tones and little by little they are transformed into large waves, a process of accumulation that is becoming increasingly complex, with dense textures, very different timbres. The use of Glissandos is also present in this work, it is a resource very used by Xenakis because it shows the continuity of the sound by questioning the concept of note.
