National Republican Convention of 1856

The Republican National Convention of 1856 of the Republican party of the United States was celebrated in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), in the Musical Fund Hall 17 of June. In which John C. Frémont of California was nominated for President and William L. Dayton of New Jersey for the vice presidency and appointed a Republican National Committee.

The location of the convention and the date were determined during an informal convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on February 22 and February 23. John McLean, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and John C. Frémont, a popular former Senator from California to the United States Senate and ex-military hero of the Mexican-American War ( in which it had a decisive participation in the conquest of California by the Americans) were nominated like aspirants to the presidential candidacy in Republican National Convention.

In a first informal vote of the Convention to measure support for pre-candidates, Frémont obtained the votes of 359 delegates of the Convention, while McLean obtained the votes of 190 delegates; another pre-candidate, Charles Sumner, got 2 votes, and another two candidates each got one. And there were 14 delegates who abstained. In the formal vote that followed, Frémont obtained the votes of 520 delegates and McLean obtained 37 votes, while 9 delegates abstained. That way Frémont was elected Republican presidential candidate.
