The journal Environmental research. Science and public policy is a new editorial project of the National Institute of Ecology (INE) of SEMARNAT. It has as direct antecedent the edition of 85 numbers of the quarterly magazine Gaceta ecológica by that institution. The change of publication has to do with the transformation of the INE from an environmental management body to a research institute in 2001. It appears semi-annually and is an arbitrated journal that follows international standards in this field and allows publication in English and Spanish articles on outstanding environmental issues. They consist of the following sections. (a) original articles from research in the field of environmental sciences; b) essays on contemporary environmental issues, which seek to generate controversy around issues related mainly to the management of natural resources; c) articles of dissemination; d) classic texts, old or recent and e) reviews of books, films, web pages, etc. Open access policy

Free access to its content, which has been a constant policy of INE, seeks to become a for those working on environmental issues from the most diverse perspectives and trenches. To develop this project, the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform was used, a system of administration and free publication of magazines and periodical documents (Internet serials), initiative of the Public Knowledge Project Editorial Team

Editorial Committee Gerardo Bocco Verdinelli Rodolfo Dirzo Minjarez. Exequiel Ezcurra. Gabriel Quadri of the Tower. Arturo Gómez Pompa. María Fernanda Paz Salinas. Enrique Provencio. Sergio Reyes Luján. Eduardo Vega

Director Fedro Carlos Guillén, Mexico

Associate Editors

Technical Editors

Editorial Coordinator
