The Central Bureau of Statistics in Örebro
The Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (in Swedish, Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB) is the administrative authority responsible for preparing official statistics in Sweden, with the aim of serving in decision making, research and debate.
Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) has as main clients public administrations and the Swedish central government, although it also receives commissions from private companies and researchers. In addition to producing and disseminating statistical data, the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics serves as the lead agency in the development of official statistics at the national level, and also cooperates internationally with other agencies to improve the compatibility and quality of statistics. / p>
At the end of 2008, the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics had 1,371 employees, of which 549 worked in the Stockholm offices and 676 in the city of Örebro.
Statistics in Sweden date back to 1686 when the Church of Sweden began to compile and archive data on the population. SCB was created in 1749 under the name of Tabellverket and adopted its current name in 1858.
Official statistics in Sweden In Sweden, a distinction is made between "official statistics" and "other public statistics" in the Official Statistics Act, which describes "official statistics" as those that are developed for the purpose of public information, planning and research within specific areas. designated by public authorities according to the provisions established by the Government. Official statistics must be objective and publicly available free of charge. In addition, they should not threaten the privacy of individuals.