The cultural economy is the study of the economic behavior of various agents in the production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services directly related to cultural production. It is generally a policy of both developed and developing states and is a potentially lucrative activity for both the public and private sectors. Objects of study of the Cultural Economy
If the object of economic science is to study the correct distribution of scarce resources to meet the needs of the human being, the cultural economy does the same with cultural development, seeking equity in access to cultural activity for a society . In other words, it analyzes the relationship between the resources that are available, which are limited in nature, and the needs, which are of an unlimited nature, although they are hierarchical. From another point of view, the analysis of the economic impacts of cultural policies can be a very useful tool to evaluate the results of an investment in a certain activity, or in a specific territory and serves both to evaluate specific cultural programs and policies , as to launch new strategies for the future, both from the public, as from the private or from the same company. Recommended bibliography