
Heimat is a German word that generally refers to the home country. However, the word can also indicate the Heimat, its own familiar environment or birthplace of any other people or other person. Concept home

The idea of ​​the Heimat is difficult to define, especially because it involves an emotional bond with a particular area. In short, it means all living conditions where a person feels emotional bond, mainly because he or she has grown up here. The Heimat is therefore not designated as a demarcated area, because it does not indicate a concrete place, but may include, for example, persons. The Dutch does not have a similar word to Heimat, it only has a few words that contain the word "heim", such as "heimwee". In Belgium, from time to time, the word Heimat is translated unchanged for this term used; In the Green Booklet, the word also occurs with Dutch plural: heimatten. Heimwee means that one wants to return to his own familiar environment, so Heimat could also see himself as his own familiar environment. Here too, it is not possible to designate an exact location.

The Heimat has always been an important concept in German culture, especially during Romanticism. The German unification and the First and Second World War also revolved around the idea of ​​allowing all Germans to live in a great German Heimat.
