Planeta Organization, is a chain of stations in Venezuela, belonging to the Organization Planet, whose Programming is Entertainment. started its operations in November 1998, as the name of Planeta FM, and was an independent station; currently has its main headquarters in Caracas, is the 105.3 FM Rumba Circuit Stations
Rumba stationsRUMBA was born just like the best ideas that carry the phrase "100% National": A group of entrepreneurs created a product with a well-defined format, but flexible and mature enough to adapt to the evolution of the public's taste. < / p>
This is how on April 4, 1994, the RUMBA brand was first heard through frequency 98.1 in Ciudad Guayana. Beyond a dial, RUMBA 98.1 was born as a novel, innovative and aggressive format, to stimulate and add a plus to the Modulated Frequency of that time
With an original rotation, RUMBA brings together the best elements of pop, Latin pop and tropical rhythms, adapted to the listener culture of each region. Our dynamic format is summarized in: TALENT AND GOOD MUSIC. In addition, the regional nature of our programming completes the formula that allowed us to reach the first place, being a multi-tárget radio station.