For homonymous articles, see Quadrant. This article is a draft of the policy.

You can share your knowledge by improving it (how?) according to the recommendations of the corresponding projects. In the diagram, the vertical line represents the degree of individual freedom and the horizontal line the degree of economic freedom.

The political quadrant is the quadrant representing political opinions. It is a multi-axis model used to label or organize political thought in several dimensions. There are several political quadrants, with a varied number of axes.

An example of a quadrant is to consider political opinion along two axes. The economic axis (left-right) measures this view according to how the economy should function: "left" defines a view that the economy should be managed according to a collective and cooperative model, while "right" defines a view that the economy should be entrusted to competing individuals or organizations. The second axis (authoritarian-liberal) measures political thought in a social sense, considering the degree of individual freedom: "liberalism" is the belief that individual freedom should be maximized, and "authoritarianism" that authority and tradition should be privileged. edit code
