The Lognkosauria are a group of sauropod dinosaurs belonging to the wider group of Titanosauria.
In 2007, Jorge Orlando Calvo created the clover Lognkosauria, when a clasical analysis made it clear that the South American sauropods Futalognkosaurus and Mendozasaurus were closely related. The definition was: the group consisting of the last common ancestor of Futalognkosaurus dukei and Mendozasaurus neguyelap and as descendants. Apart from the two species included, no other lognosaurs were known but in 2007 Puertasaurus was named as a lognosaurian and in 2011 Traukutitan was seen as a possible member of the group. All kinds of strains of late chalk. According to the analysis, the African form Malawisaurus is the sister group of the Lognkosauria.
The "Lognko" in the genus is a to "lognko" (loñko or "chief") in Futalognkosaurus. Literature