Bernabé, Bernabé! is a historical novel written by the Uruguayan Tomás de Mattos, and published for the first time in 1988. The second and final version was in the year 2000.
The first publication generated great debate in the political and intellectual Montevideo.
Narrates the slaughter of Salsipuedes, an episode starring the charrúas and Colonel Bernabé Rivera (nephew of President Fructuoso Rivera). In this confrontation there was the killing of a large number of Charrúas, and the survivors were dispersed among different Montevideo families to serve as servants, and a few months later, Bernabé Rivera died in combat on the banks of the Cuareim River.
The novel is framed in the voice of a narrator-prologue who claims to have found the document, being an epistle that Josefina Péguy, widow of Narbondo and amateur writer, sent to Federico Silva, owner of the newspaper "The indiscreet", of Tacuarembó. Josefina found the data in the family archive when 54 years had passed since the episode of Salsipuedes.