
Entry of Lothar's Feel

The Lotharpfad, or Lothar Trail, is a path of the Schliffkopf Nature Reserve on the Black Forest Road between Oppenau and Baiersbronn. It was created in 2003 to show the ravages of storm Lothar who passed there on December 26, 1999 and razed a wide corridor of the forest because of winds up to 200 km / h. Descriptionchange code

As the Black Forest is mainly composed of pine trees with no deep roots in the red sandstone soil, the storm has brought down about 30 million cubic meters of forest in Baden-Württemberg in two hours. After its passage, it was decided by the Department of Conservation and Forest to let a 10-hectare area grow back by itself in order to observe long-term natural regeneration. The project is managed by the Black Forest National Park.

In 2003, an 800-meter long trail was developed as part of EU funding for natural sites. It includes stairs, bridges and walkways to pass over or under fallen trees in the devastated corridor. An observation platform offers views of Braunsberg, Lierbach, Oppenau, Strasbourg and the Vosges. In 2007, nearly 50,000 visitors went to Lotharpfad.
