A webcast is a broadcast that, contrary to web video, is broadcast live via the internet. A broadcast can be pre-recorded. Webcasts use streaming media. A webcast that only hears audio is called audio broadcast. Technology
A webcast is required: a camera or video signal, encoder, on-site connection, and streaming server. The encoder is often a powerful PC with firewire input, or a special video capture card where a video source can be connected. On the computer, streaming encoding software runs.
QuickTime Broadcaster is available for Mac free of charge and can encode live in QuickTime format, MPEG-4 format and 3GPP format (for mobile phones). Windows Media Encoder is available for Windows XP for free and can encode live in Windows Media format.
Because the on-site Internet connection is hardly fast enough to allow multiple viewers to be played, the stream that comes from the encoder is reflected via a streaming server. This can be done by means of a PUSH or in some cases by means of a PULL. With a push, the encoder initiates the stream to the server. In QuickTime Broadcaster, you set the IP address of the server as well as the audio and video port on the server. Then, the user generates a Session Description Protocol (.SDP) file and places it on the streaming server. In Windows Media Encoder, the user specifies the name of the server and its name and password.
Depending on the audience to reach, there is a difference between broadcast, multicast, narrowcasting, unicast and atnycast. This influences the choice of certain techniques. Webcast in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, Stef Van der Ziel and Adam Curry are pioneers. They were jointly responsible for major webcasts around pop festivals. From this group of producers, various internet media companies have emerged such as Pavlov and Jet-Stream. After 2003, webcasting in the business market came up strongly following the presentation of the Code-Tabaksblat, a directive for listed companies. Among other things, press and analyst meetings must be available to all shareholders directly and throughout the world. By using webcasts this requirement can be met. Also see