In Botany the internode is the part of the stem between two nodes where another branch comes out.
The first internode of the plant is the hypocotyl, located between the neck of the plant and the cotyledons. Above the cotyledons is the second internode, called epicotyl. In the epicotyle the first true leaves of the plant are born; those that are in the second internode and in all the others, carry an axillary bud. The organization of the caulinar system of angiosperms is modular; that is, it is an aggregation of repeated structural units or modules. The normal structural unit, the typical module, consists of an internode, leaf and axillary bud.
From the progressive extension of the stem are responsible intercalary primary meristem, located precisely in the internodes. When these do not exist, the stem can not progress and there is a layout of the leaves in the form of a basal rosette. Bibliography