Kennel Club de Chile

The Chilean Kennel Club (KCC) is a private law corporation founded in Valparaiso on May 31, 1935, whose mission is to promote and disseminate everything related to the breeding, development and care of dogs of race in this country.

In order to fulfill its mission, the Chilean Kennel Club maintains the only official genealogical record of the country, where dogs of pure breeds are registered, and periodically carries out dog shows, where the quality and beauty of the dogs are evaluated. specimens raised in the country and in addition the future breeders are selected. In its international relations, the Kennel Club of Chile is affiliated, as a federated member, to the International Cynological Federation (FCI), based in Belgium, which manages the information of the genealogical registers of canine clubs of more than sixty countries in the world, and that recognizes only one official Club by country.

In Chile, the only internationally recognized entity that can guarantee the purity of dogs of all races is the Kennel Club of Chile, any other registration has no value.
