For other uses of this term, see X-Men (disambiguation).
X'men is the name given in the Mayan language to the wise, sorcerer, physician (usually hierbatero) or healer of a place. It is the equivalent of the character who is in other Amerindian languages the shaman or shaman. It is a common term among the Maya of the Yucatan peninsula and Guatemala, is pronounced shmen and some write the term hmen.
Among the population with Mayan culture in Mexico, the X'men are considered special intermediaries between men and deities. They have, according to popular belief, the ability to cure diseases with herbs and are also capable of healing the victims of snake bites. They remedy the physical discomforts caused by "bad winds", or by the popularly called "evil eye."
The work of the X'men is realized by his wisdom and, according to what people believe, an innate medical thought that originally departs from the teachings of the universe that destines them to those who have the faculty, usually inherited, of being able to watch and interpret the stellar signals generated by Hunabkú.