Blackhead bean rice

Black headed bean rice is a dish typical of some Caribbean countries such as Panama, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Colombian Caribbean Coast, where rice is usually prepared with different vegetables such as lentils, pigeon peas, beans, etc.

The rice has black heads and seasonings such as garlic, onion, achiote, salt and oil. The beans are softened in pressure cookers and are added with the seasoning to the rice, which is cooked in the water in which the beans were softened. When the rice dries, it is covered on minimum fire for half an hour. The rice is consumed as a garnish, accompanied by fried meat or stew and salad.

In Córdoba, a variety is prepared with coconut milk added. Bibliography

MORÓN, Carlos and GALVÁN, Cristina. Creole cuisine. Recipes from Cordoba and regions of the Caribbean coast. Domus Libri: 1996. p. 24.
