HABE (Acronyms by: Helduen Alfabetatze eta Berreuskalduntzerako Erakundea, translated into Spanish: Organization for Literacy and Reeuskaldunization of Adults), is an organization funded by the Basque Government that works in the teaching of the Basque language to adults. In fact, the Basque Autonomous Community carries out this education through a network of euskaltegis (Basque language academies). It was created in 1983 and in 25 years have opened 107 euskaltegis, with 1,500 teachers and more than 350,000 students in the whole network . Besides outside the CAV, some 3,000 or 4,000 people study Basque every year.
It has offices in the three Basque capitals: in Vitoria (C / Samaniego Nº2), in Bilbao (Gran Vía Nº85) and the main headquarters, in San Sebastián (C / Vitoria-Gasteiz Nº3).