Karolingian gatehouse of the abbey of Lorsch
Robert I of the Haspengouw (about 700 - before 764) was a Frankish nobleman. His father was Lambert II, his grandfather was Chrodbert II. In many sources, the Haspengouw is named with its French name: Hesbaye.
Over 715 he is Count of the Haspengouw. He marries Williswinda (approx. 715 - after 764), daughter of Adalhelm - a landowner in the Rijndal. In 742 he is a paltsgraaf and donates a donation to the Sint-Truiden Abbey. Around 750 he becomes Count of Rijngouw and the Wormsgau.
On July 12, 764, Williswinda is widow and, together with her son Cancor, she founded the Lorsch Abbey in the Rijngouw. Robert and Williswinda had the following children: