Scholengemeenschap De Grundel

The Grundel is a high school in Hengelo, with four offices. On 1 August 1994, the school formed a merger between four Anglo-Saxon schools: 't Tichelwerk, the Fatima-Mavo, the Dr. Schaepman-Mavo and Lyceum De Grundel. The new name became De Grundel school community. On August 1, 2000, a new merger followed. Now the secondary school of the Ichthus College in Hengelo joined. A Catholic school went along with a Protestant Christian school. Since August 1, 2002, OPDC De Arcade also belongs to the Grundel. This is an orthopedagogical center.

The interconfessional school community offers education in gyms, atheneum, havo, vmbo and lwoo. All this is under the auspices of the Carmel College Foundation. At the headquarters of De Grundel (Lyceum De Grundel), havo, atheneum and gymnasium are given. This location is located on the Grundellaan, where the Grundel building of Carmel Zenderen is located. The Lyceum The Grundel of the merger was founded by these patriots and brothers' Carmelites. At the other two sites (City College De Grundel and Parkcollege de Grundel), vmbo is given.

Since school year 2002-2003, a school newspaper is issued, called the Hot. This name is derived from the Information and Discussion Sheet Hot of the needle that has been spent at the school since the late 1960s. It appeared next to the official school newspaper, the Comeet.

After the reorganization of the school group Carmel Hengelo (part of the Carmel College Foundation), Grundel's establishments went on in other names of the school group: Avila College (former Grundel Park College), VMBO de Spindel (former Grundel City College) and the Arcade continues to be continued as an independent name. Only the building on the Grundellaan is still called 'Lyceum de Grundel'. Externe link
