Saint Victor of Capua was a saint and bishop of Capua. He was a bishop of the sixth century whose life is unknown, except what is found in his epitaph (C.I.L., 4503), which has been preserved, although the tomb itself has disappeared. This inscription simply states that his thirteen-year episcopacy ended in April 554. The authenticity of the inscription and its information do not admit doubts. In the Roman martyrology he is commemorated on 17 October as "eruditione et sanctitate conspicus".
His original writings, preserved only in fragments, show that he was a dedicated student and a man of varied and ample knowledge. His best known work is the Codex Fuldense, one of the oldest manuscripts of the Vulgate, prepared under his direction, and which he himself revised and corrected. In this codex a harmony of the Gospels occupies the place of these, or as he himself explains in the preface, a single Gospel composed from the four. Victor did not know that the harmony he used was identical with the Diatesseron of Tatiano. The discovery of the text of the latter work and recent research have made it clear that this Latin harmony used by Victor was written around 500 AD. The anonymous author of this work simply replaced the original in Greek of Tatiano by the Latin version of the Vulgate of San Jerónimo, and sometimes changed the order and inserted additional passages. However, many of the discrepancies may be due to later changes.
Other works by Víctor include: Bibliography