Festival Saou sings Mozart

Founded in 1989, Saoû sings Mozart is the only French festival dedicated to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He is a member of France Festivals, the Salzburg Mozarteum (Austria) and the European Mozart Wege Association.

Saoû is a village in the Drôme whose founder, Henry Fuoc, was then mayor. The festival is now taking place in June and July in municipalities located throughout the department of Drôme. He favors conviviality and demand. Its editions take place by theme, studying the life and works of the Salzburg composer: trips to France, Italy, Prague or Germany, relations with the Vienna Court, Mozart Freemason, family, etc.

His artistic directors are Philippe Andriot, music journalist, Philippe Bernold, flutist and conductor, and Jacques Henry, author of Mozart, brother mason. It is run by a homonymous association that has 200 members and makes regular musical trips around the world. edit code
