The star Eta Carinae
A hypernova is a theoretical type of supernova that would occur when very massive stars (masses greater than 100 solar masses) collapse at the end of their lives. After exploding as a supernova, the nucleus of the hypernova would collapse directly into a black hole, emitting two extremely energetic plasma jets from its poles at speeds close to that of light. These jets could generate powerful gamma rays and would be a possible explanation for gamma-ray eruptions. Such massive stars are very rare, and therefore hypernovas would also be rare: it is estimated that an event of this nature can occur in our Galaxy every 200 million years. The star Eta Carinae, in our Galaxy, can be a candidate for hypernova. Another good candidate to explode in hypernova can be R136a1, discovered in July 2010 and with an amazing mass of 265 soles; also the star Pistol or LBV 1806-20 can be candidates to produce hypernovas from here to tens or hundreds of thousands of years.