Johanna Otho of Othonia (Ghent, about 1540 - Strasbourg, after 1600) was a famous poet in the sixteenth century. Lifecycle
Johanna Otho was the daughter of humanist Johannes Otho and she received her education, including in Latin. She has been a famous poet in her time. One of her poems was dedicated to one of the pupils of her father, the Gentenaar Karel Utenhove.
Like her father, she belonged to the reformers. Together with him and her husband Willem Mayaert, a lawyer at the Council of Flanders, she left her father city and settled in Duisburg.
In 1577, she returned to Ghent on the one hand because of her husband's death, on the other hand, because the city after the Pacificization of Ghent of 1576, and especially after she had come under Calvinist rule thereafter, was again accessible to her. A few years later, in 1584, when the Duke of Parma took in the city, she returned to Germany, where her father had died in the meanwhile. She settled in Strasbourg and died on a date not known. Publications Literature