At number 1 is McBurney's point
The McBurney point corresponds to the union of the external 1/3 with the internal 2/3 of an imaginary line drawn between the right anterior superior-superior iliac spine and the navel. However, in some countries the official teaching of medicine places the point in the middle of the line. It is important because at this point the vermiform appendix is located in most cases, and because from that point the incision necessary to extract the appendix in the surgical treatment will be drawn.
McBurney Sign The commonly called "McBurney sign" is a semiological imprecision that refers to the pain generated by palpation of the point already described above. It is considered a semiological error because this sign is not described in the medical literature and the finding must always be described as "pain at McBurney's point". It is a sensitive finding that makes you think of appendicitis.