Mohamed El Saghir El Ifrini, or Wafrani, or Eloufrani, is a historian and Moroccan scholar of the XVII century, from 1669 to 1744.
He has written several works including Nozhet-el hadi akhbar moulouk al-Karn al-Hadi translated by Octave Houdas under the title History of the Saadian Dynasty in Morocco: 1511-1670. This is the essential source of Saadian history.
He was born and lived in Morocco; he wrote about the history of Morocco at the time of the Saadians and the history of some African dynasties.
"Ignorance of history is bad and knowledge is helpful. And it is a mistake to consider it, as has been done, as a science without utility and whose ignorance does not harm. Consider what happened in our time (around 1698-99). "
- Eloufrani, quoted by Ahmed En-Naciri Es-Slaoui, Kitab el-istiqça, trans. A. Graulle. Referencingchange the code