A plastron is a mass or block of inflammatory character, formed by the attachment of several viscera to each other.
DiagnosisIt will be established in the presence of a history of acute diverticulitis. Diagnostic tests
Serial blood count and erythrosedimentation will be made. Symptoms and signs
Palpation of a tumor or firm, irregular and painful filling in the lower abdomen, usually in the left iliac fossa or hypogastrium. Treatment
This will be the same as acute diverticulitis, for two weeks. If the process is not eliminated with this treatment, a derivative proximal colostomy will be performed.
Resection of the pathological colon segment with end-to-end anastomosis will be carried out 2 months to 3 months after the elimination of the process. If malignancy is suspected, this period of time should be anticipated. In a 3. time the colostomy will be closed.