The Diocesan Cathedral of Paranaguá is a Brazilian Catholic temple, located in the municipality of Paranaguá, in the state of Paraná. It is the seat of the Bishopric of Paranaguá and of the Parish of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Known as "Mother Church", it was the first Catholic building built in Paraná, and the first temple in Brazil dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.
In Portuguese colonial style, it is dated from the XVIII century, being well registered at the provincial level, belonging to the whole of the Historical Center of Paranaguá, registered at federal level. Its structure is divided into four bodies, namely: nave, chapel mor, lateral sacristy and tower built to the right of its pediment. The extension of the tower attributes to him neo-gothic characteristics, which conflict with the colonial lines of the austere facade and with the scale still observed in the front side in almost all the city. The first framework of its construction dates from the year 1578, but the temple can not have this date as being the one of its construction, because the changes were so many that the present church hardly has characteristics of the original building, and few documents that report there were reforms or a new construction in the premises of the antecedent. Only the year 1725 was created the Confraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary of Paranaguá, which has, until today, in the main church its headquarters. Therefore, the countless historical investigations do not verify if the temple is a new church that replaced a chapel, nor the date of its consecration. In any case, the temple is one of the oldest buildings in Paraná and a to the confirmation of Portuguese possession in the territory of Paraná. External Connections