Morgul's Dagger is the name given to a fictional weapon from the legendarium of the British writer J. R. R. Tolkien.
This magically poisoned sheet was commonly carried by the Witch King of Angmar and the rest of the Nazgul, it was he who stabbed Frodo on the Windy Hill. This weapon possessed a brittle blade that was destroyed after the use and left shreds in the flesh of the victim, in order to facilitate the propagation in his body of a curse that ended up turning into a similar spectrum to them, but weaker and manipulable. During the journey of the Hobbits and Aragorn, Frodo was stabbed by this blade, and a piece of the weapon was kept inside the wound, making its way through the flesh. The care of Aragorn and the Athelas provided by him were not sufficient to overcome the infection, and it was necessary elven medicine provided by Elrond in Rivendel, who extracted the shard and saved Frodo after seventeen days of agony. Each anniversary of the wound Frodo was sick and only the trip to Valinor would heal completely. It is known that his resistance was exceptional, and that if you hurt a strong and healthy man it would not last more than a few hours before he died.
Another victim of the leaves of Morgul was Boromir, the eleventh Seneschal of Gondor. He eventually died, but did not become a Ring Specter, due to dying of wounds before the effect of the weapon was fulfilled.