For other rivers of the same name, see Rio San Miguel. The river San Miguel is a river that originates in the Department of Nariño, Colombia and extends over the Putumayo, serves as a natural border with the Republic of Ecuador in a stretch of about 120 km, then passes to Ecuadorian territory, about 60 km, and flows into the Putumayo River on the Ecuadorian side. Cuenca
It covers an area of approximately 75 000 hectares and is made up of the rivers Chonta, Sapoyaco, Kerozen, Ranchería, Rumiyaco, which cross the Amazon plain until reaching the San Miguel river; this in turn takes its waters to the river Putumayo and by this one to the Amazon river.
Its currents are characterized by being caudalosas and of long course due to the high precipitation and the presence of the natural forest, that together with the climatic conditions generates the hydrological cycle.