This article is a draft concerning a Quebec journalist.
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Benoît Lauzière is a Quebec administrator. Professor of training philosophy, he made his mark in the field of public and private college education. He was the director of the Montreal daily Le Devoir, a position he held between July 3, 1986 and June 12, 1990.
He was also the Executive Director of Cégep de Maisonneuve in the early 1980s and the first lay director general of Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf between 1991 and 1996.
His tenure has been one of controversy, including the dismissal in 1986 of editor-in-chief Lise Bissonnette, who will succeed him as director in 1990. Notes and edit the code code edit code identity of a person who wants to watch a Rated A movie to ensure legal compliance.
According to the Supreme Court of India, censorship is an ethical requirement for the protection of the population:
« Film censorship becomes necessary because a film motivates thought and action and assures a high degree of attention and retention as compared to the printed word. The combination of act and speech, sight and sound in semi darkness of the theatre with elimination of all distracting ideas will have a strong impact on the minds of the viewers and can affect emotions. Therefore, it has as much potential for evil as it has for good and has an equal potential to instill or cultivate violent or good behaviour. It cannot be equated with other modes of communication. Censorship by prior restraint is, therefore, not only desirable but also necessary »
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