Nonoalco located in the municipality of Xochicuatlan in the state of Hidalgo has a total population of 490 divided into 463 men 477 mujeres.La women / men ratio is 1,137. The fertility rate of the female population is 2.41 children per woman. The percentage of illiteracy among adults is 5.68% (4.49% in males and 6.73% in females) and the level of schooling is 6.59 (6.91 males and 6.35 females). In Nonoalco, 1.11% of adults speak some indigenous language. In the locality there are 221 homes, of which 1.11% have a computer.
This municipality has a temperate-cold climate, registers an average annual temperature of 14 ° C, rainfall of 2,047 mm a year, and the rainy season is from June to September.
It is characterized by the existence of large forests of oak, pine and ocote. The fauna is composed of mammals such as coyote, raccoon, fox, badger, armadillo, hare and squirrel.
It has basic infrastructure services (such as light, water and drainage), as well as basic educational services, sports facilities and public squares. It crosses federal road 130 (Mexico-Tampico). The main economic activity is the mining mainly manganese extraction, there is a maquila workshop of trousers and shirt. Agriculture is focused on the cultivation of maize and beans. Livestock farming is characterized by cattle and pork.
REFERENCES Census of population and housing 2010 Encyclopedia of localities of Mexico INEGI National Institute of Statistics and Geography