Stephanus Dendoe, also called Steven or Steve Dendoe, (Suriname, 1956) is a Surinam military and suspect in the December killings process.
Dendoe was one of the sixteen military league coupons in Suriname of 25 February 1980. He would have been present in Fort Zeelandia during the murder period there in December 1982. However, Dendoe himself said no effort to have had what has been playing in the fort during that time period.
Dendoe was later also involved in various illegal financial transactions by Desi Bouterse. He was in the 1980s Vice Consul of Suriname in Miami, Florida. The consulate's postal address was the city of residence for large sums of money. Between 1987 and 1989, Dendoe received on his behalf addressed transfers of almost three million dollars in total. This money he then went through the South East Bank in Miami to private accounts of Surinamese soldiers.