The cubic centimeter (symbol: cm) is the volume measurement unit of the CGS system (1 mL = 1 cm)
One cubic centimeter is the volume occupied by a cube of one centimeter of side (one milliliter).
Similarly, the cubic decimeter (which represents the same volume as a liter) is the volume of a cube of one decimeter of edge and the cubic meter that of a cube of one meter of edge .
A cubic decimetre is a thousand times smaller than a cubic meter and a cubic centimeter is a million times smaller than a cubic meter. Abbreviationedit code
The abbreviation "cc" is not that of "cubic centimeter" but that of the English "cubic centimeter" (centicube in French). Its use is prohibited, including in English-speaking countries, by the "International System of Units" determined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, the only competent body in this field.
The International System of Units imposes the symbols m, dm, cm, mm, etc., in any language. The use of the abbreviation "cc", widespread especially in the medical and motorcycle circles, is not in conformity with the International System.