Founded in Nantes in 2000 at the initiative of Catholic families, the Cours Charlier brings together a primary school and a college. It takes its name from two brothers converted late to Catholicism in the early 20th century: Henri and André Charlier. The first was a sculptor and the second school director and writer.
Not receiving any help from the state, this non-contract school, which has more than one hundred and fifty pupils, is not bound by the official national education programs, although it follows the main lines. She remains totally free of her pedagogy. So she refuses to mix and only accepts boys. In addition, she follows a course of study and classical teaching methods (memorization, discipline, frequent examinations of knowledge, artistic culture). At each level, religious instruction is an integral part of school curricula.
Attached to the traditional liturgy, the Cours Charlier also displays its fidelity to the Vatican: it is an answer to the call of John Paul II to a "new evangelization". The Mass is celebrated according to the rite of Saint Pius V, based on a motu proprio of 1988. The refusal of the mix is justified by psychological considerations. The cost of tuition is € 1,500 for one year. This contribution, say the officials, covers only half the cost; the rest being covered by a large network of benefactors. edit code