For other uses of this term, see Constancia.
Allegory to the constancy of Valeriano Salvatierra in the Museo del Prado, (Madrid) Consistency is the virtue that leads us to carry out what is necessary to achieve the goals we have set ourselves, despite difficulties or the decrease of personal motivation for the time elapsed. Consistency underpins work on willpower and continuous effort to reach the proposed goal.
Gospel "Enter ye in at the strait gate, for the gate is broad, and the way that leadeth to perdition is broad, and there are many that come in through him. On the other hand, the door is narrow and narrow the road that leads to life, and few people find it. " Mateo 7, 13."Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord! He will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. " Mateo 7, 21. Iconología
The most typical allegory of this virtue is that of a woman who hugs a column cut on a rock beaten by the waves. With his right hand he wields a sword in a fiery brazier; allusion to the fact of Mucius Scevola and to its feet a square stone.
Winckelmann is of the opinion that in the ancient monuments there are no emblems of constancy. However, some iconologists try to recognize it in the medals under the symbol of a woman in military dress, helmet and a pica in the left hand, carrying the right up to the height of the face, with a raised finger.