Hemoptotic sputum is a clinical sign that applies to sputum containing some blood, but without becoming blood (blood only). It is a sign of bleeding in the respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi or lungs, when the blood is small and mixed with phlegm. When it is abundant and consistent it is called hemoptysis. Differential diagnosis It is necessary and very important to differentiate hemoptotic sputum from bleeding into the lower respiratory tract of bleeding in the upper respiratory tract, mouth or digestive tract that produce epistaxis, gingivorrhages and hematemesis respectively and which may be confused with expectoration hemoptoic acid. When hematemesis is abundant, part of the blood can pass to the larynx, producing cough with hemoptotic expectoration, causing from the beginning errors in the diagnostic procedure, although there are antecedents that are very useful to determine the site where the bleeding originates. p> Clinical picture In open hemoptysis, it is observed that most of the time it is accompanied by coughing effort, and the blood is aerated and red; subsequently, the patient has hemoptotic sputum. however we suffer from the time that is unity.