REDIAL (Red Europea Información de Documentación sobre América Latina) is an association of 43 European Libraries and Documentation Centers in Latin America, Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Russia, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. REDIAL is a platform for promoting communication, collaboration and exchange of information between researchers, librarians and documentalists dealing with Latin America in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.
DatabasesREDIAL maintains several databases on Latin America documentation and research on its website: Publications Organizational structure
REDIAL is a European international association under Belgian law, without profit. The organizational structure consists of a Management Committee (Ejecutivo Committee), in which the national coordinators (elected by members of a country) have a meeting and the General Assembly of Members (Asamblea General de Socios).
In the Netherlands there is one member of REDIAL: History
On the initiative of the French CNRS (National Scientific Research Center), in 1988, European researchers and research and documentation centers on Latin America, the symposium "Information Systems in Social and Humanities with regard to Latin- America in Europe: Openness for European Cooperation "organized, at the 46th International American Congress in Amsterdam. At the symposium, participants agreed to set up a European network that could develop collective documentation tools to promote the exchange of scientific information about Latin America produced in Europe.
At a meeting in the main building of the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Madrid on 6 and 7 March 1989, the ideas and suggestions of the symposium in Amsterdam were concretized. The 35 European institutions present a plan that would be carried out by an international association which would ensure continuity of work and achievement of objectives. A provisional Executive Committee was appointed to draft a draft statute.
The REDIAL founding meeting took place in France (Bordeaux-Talence and Saint-Émilion) from 30 November to 2 December 1989. Founders were 35 European institutions dealing with Latin America, including research centers, libraries, documentation centers and NGOs, from Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain and the United Kingdom.