A sound sculpture is an artwork that is next to a visual object, also makes sound.
A well-known example of sound sculpture is the sea organ in Croatia.
In some cases, sound art is used, for example, in computer operations that are projected on a screen and not directly a sculpture. Another term is also sound installation or sound system, if the artwork is an installation.
In the case of objects that can be played by humans, one speaks of an experimental musical instrument. Harry Partch's work is a striking example of this. What exactly is an experimental musical instrument or a sound sculpture can not be strictly fixed in all cases. The Bambuso sonoro of Hans van Koolwijk is, for example, an experimental musical instrument that he himself played, but also a sculpture, because of his exorbitant appearance. There are also limitations to performance art, as in the case of some of Michel Waisvisz's works, such as his "The Hands", which surrounded himself with electronic musical instruments and became a living sculpture. The work of Ellen Fullman is also located between all the border areas.