Ji2 Orionis

Ji2 Orionis (χ Orionis / 62 Orionis / HD 41117) is a star in the Orion constellation of apparent magnitude +4.65. Although it shares the name of Bayer «Ji» with Ji1 Orionis, there is no physical relationship between the two. While Ji1 Orionis is a yellow dwarf only 28.7 light years from the Solar System, Ji2 Orionis is so far away that its distance can not be measured by parallax. The value generally adopted - because of its probable membership of the Gemini OB association - is 4900 light years.

As expected by its distance and brightness, Ji2 Orionis is a supergiant or hypergiant blue-white enormously luminous, 410,000 times more than the Sun. Of spectral type B2Iaev, its radius is 59 times larger than the solar radius, equivalent to 0.28 AU. It is also known that Ji2 Orionis is a binary star, its duplicity discovered through concealment.

With an estimated mass of 35 - 40 solar masses, the age of Ji2 Orionis is only 5 million years old. In the not too distant future it will explode like a brilliant supernova, when the collapse of its iron nucleus takes place, since the nuclear fusion does not progress beyond this element. Although most nuclei collapse in a neutron star, the huge mass of Ji2 Orionis can cause its nucleus to end up forming a black hole.
