In 1912, Annie Besant, Marie Russak and James Wedgwood founded the Order of the Rose Cross Temple. However, due to the numerous problems originated in England during the First World War, the activity had to be suspended.
Besant returned to her duties as World President of the Theosophical Society, Wedgwood continued working as bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church and Russak contacted in California with Harvey Spencer Lewis, who helped in the elaboration of the rituals of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC.
At the end of the 20th century, interest in the initiatory orders was rekindled in Hispano-America, especially those related to the spiritual traditions of the West. In those days, a member of the Theosophical Society, known as in the Rosicrucian circles as Frater Initiator, began to work towards the re-founding of the OTRC.
Currently working in several countries for the rebirth of the Order of the Temple of the Rose Cross with the new name of Mystical Order of the Temple of the Rosicrucian (OMTRC). The official creation is planned for 2012, when 100 years have passed since the original foundation.
Principles of the organizationStrength: The Truth
Work: The OMTRC establishes two types of meetings: Oratory (or Study Group, where various topics related to the Esoteric Tradition are investigated) and Laboratory (or Convocation, where rituals and various spiritual practices are performed).
Degrees: The Order has three degrees: Neophyte, Pilgrim and Master. Nevertheless, the difference between the ritual initiation and the true Initiation is insisted on, for which said scheme of degrees is symbolic and has no relation with the spiritual progress of each member.
The Order has several postulates or bases on which it bases its work: Objectives of the OMTRC