The Vizcondado of Tursan was a feudal jurisdiction of Gascony, west of the Vizcondado de Béarn, France.
Duke Sancho IV of Gascony divided his dominions among his sons in 977. His son Aner or Asnar, who was called viscount of Gascony, was given the territories of Tursan, Gabardá, Oleron, Dacs and Orte. On his death around 978, another division took place, and his son Sancho touched the territory of Tursan and Chalosse, with the title of Viscount of Tursan. Sancho I, known by Sancho Ail, had by successor to its son Sancho II Attil, and this to its son Auger I. The viscounts sometimes used the title of viscounts of Miramont from the end of the eleventh century. Auger was the father of Auger II, and this one of Auger III, that in 1118 took part in the siege of Saragossa. Married to the heiress of Viscountado of Zuberoa, when dying towards 1120 left but one daughter, Matilde, married with Ramón I Sancho the Pious (Viscount of Orte) (1115-1146), but the dominion was mainly infeuded to the bishops of Air. List of viscounts